Good coffee, good times

The Creme Coffeehouse in downtown Owensboro

Locally owned and operated, The Creme Coffee House is one of Owensboro’s hidden gems. At 109 E. 2nd St., the charming coffee shop has a prime location situated in the heart of the Riverfront area establishing it as a popular hangout for locals and visitors of all ages.

My experience at The Creme was many things, but if I had to sum it up in one word, I would describe it as magical. Yes, you read that correctly. Magical.

Everything from the coffee to the music to the wholehearted aliveness of the atmosphere makes it absolutely and utterly magical. There’s something kind of wonderful about a place that can change from a peaceful sanctuary during a sunny midday to a bustling social beehive of warmth and laughter in the night. Being in a space that is full of energy while retaining that chill vibe is a fun mixture that many teenagers crave.

One weekend, I had the pleasure of becoming enraptured by the energy in the air that you can only get from a Friday night. The music was low. Tables were full. My friends and I utilized our time by playing board games from The Creme’s shelves. We drank coffee and tea and took hold of the evening.

At one point, I found myself in awe of the moment. It was one of those special ones. The kind that captures you, takes the memory, and wraps it in a bow – gifts it to your heart. These are snapshots I will look back on and remember forever.

The Creme Coffee House is the ideal place to easily obtain these moments. If you’re lucky enough to visit, you’re guaranteed to have them. In addition to having a great night, make sure to try one of their many different drinks – my personal favorite is the Jitterbug!